Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Artworks by Adrian Rawlinson!

.vanishing point room first attempt.
I decided to use a trippy optical illusion as my walls, floor and roof so that the room looked futuristic but i found that it just makes it hard to look at. I added in a 3D object at the end of the room so that it would show the perspective of the room. I feel that for my first attempt at a virtual room I did okay concerning I have come a long way learning Photoshop.

.vanishing point room second attempt.
.creepy room flat images from Google, I changed the perspective of the images in
Photoshop to create three walls, a floor and a roof. I then added an image from the silent hill movie and cropped it from its original background to place it on my back wall, I felt my virtual room was missing something so I then added windows and a double door. I still felt I could increase the creepy feeling by adding newspaper articles about murders, whilst I was adding in these newspaper articles i thought of adding other creepy images. so of course I typed in creepy things in the Google image search, and found a nice creepy looking chandelier. once I put the image onto Photoshop I used the magic wand tool to delete some of the glass covering to make it look like it was slowly rotting away. I found other images like a crushed can, torcher device and plank of wood with words carved from it. I feel that I have successfully accomplished the sick twisted mind feeling that I wanted to convey in this artwork.

.vanishing point room second attempt part 2.
.I quite enjoyed making the virtual rooms I felt like extending onto my creepy room (the one up top) my intention in doing so was to create a story. through the door at the back of this room you will notice my second attempt at creating a virtual room titled creepy room. I added this room onto it so that you could see where I entered to take the photo if this was actually a real room. I then added bloody hand prints to indicate a movement of a survivor, blood spatters, old windows witch have a picture behind them, old style school lockers and a girl exiting through an old style door but taking one last glance through the open door to see what she has been through before she finds her way to safety. I chose this person because not only is she covered in blood but she has a emotionally drained expression on her face. she was actually a zombie I had taken off the Google search engine but I felt she fit the description of what I was looking for. I intend on doing a series of these rooms because not only do I enjoy creating them but they are enjoyable to look at. although I don't like how this room turned out as much as the first one but with my own images I feel I can accomplish that.

.two images combined to create a fictional person.
.this is a spliced image of me and a friend from TAFE.

.digital image of me and my friend.
.basic editing with the intentions of showing that love happens to everybody bi, gay, straight, or trans gender. i feel that i could explore this topic further with having a photo of me and my friends because we are all mixed couples and that will show that love isn't just a stereotypical thing between straights or gays.

.propaganda art.
.these two images are taken from an art project i did last year, i took some photos and then played around with backgrounds, compositions and images to make a creative propaganda piece.

.A graphite pencil drawing of me and my best friend.

.drawing of a male angel/spirit guide.

.deconstructive montage "where is the love by the Black Eyed Peas".
.I feel the world would be a better place if we loved instead of hate and that's the message I wanted to get across with a deconstructive montage, I feel that I could have done a better job if I didn't over crowd the piece and had bolder words. but over all I feel this dose have a good affect because hate and love are opposites so I needed a contrast to get my message across.
this image is a fun image to look at because every time you look you see something new.

.baby Yoshi pixel art.
100x100 pixels, i have a huge obsession with Yoshi have ever since i was little so thats why i dicided to use Yoshi as my pixel art and him being a baby reprisents something personal to myself.

.3D objects.
.trippy optical illusions from Google folded/raped to make a 3D obect useing the 3D tool in Photoshop.

I hope you enjoyed viewing my blog, feel free to leave any comments of constructive critisism or leting me know that you enjoyed viewing my blog


  1. Your blog is super spiffy I enjoy it v much :)

  2. especially the pics of boys kissing yum yum


